Tag Archives: Vorthos


In spite of what I wrote previously, I never really believed Marit Lage was involved with Innistrad. I mean, I wanted to believe. I also wanted to be able to point to a previous blog entry and say “told you … Continue reading

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Maybe Sigarda has always been destined to protect her world from the Eldrazi.

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A Grim Tale?

There’s been a lot of speculation about who or what is casting the shadows over Innistrad. The current suspects include Emrakul, Marit Lage, and Nicol Bolas. A few have mentioned Yawgmoth, while a few others have suggested the Phyrexians. While … Continue reading

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Arlinn Kord

Arlinn Kord Werewolf Planeswalker. A confident-looking woman who doesn’t look like a 21 year old supermodel. Everything about her is wonderful. I had to make a GIF in her honor.  

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Southpaws in Magic: the Gathering

A while ago on a former blog I posted a list of creatures in Magic: the Gathering who were, based on their art, left-handed. Being a lefty myself, I found compiling this list to be a fun way to kill … Continue reading

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Faces in the Multiverse

The characters and their stories are an essential part of Magic: the Gathering. The game itself would feel empty without the lore and the personalities therein. Here are a few images I made in honor of those characters:

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