Cowards Can’t Block Warriors

BoldwyrIntimidatorI was originally going to add this card to the list of cards in my previous blog entry about keyword abilities because Boldwyr Intimidator doesn’t have intimidate, but I wanted to save him for his own post, because I love this guy. No, he’s not a good card. I’ve never put him in a deck or cast him. But few cards pack so much flavor as our Giant Warrior here.

His flavor text is on point: “Now everyone knows what you are.” It ties in directly to his first activated ability: “Target creature becomes a Coward until end of turn.” That’s how intimidating this guy is. His second activated ability shows that he’s not just intimidating, but inspiring to his allies. This is the guy giving the epic pre-battle speech reminiscent of William Wallace or Aragorn. And here’s where I love his static ability, which is nearly flavor text in itself: “Cowards can’t block Warriors.”

The soldiers who stand before us tremble in fear at our sight. For we are warriors. They are cowards. We will crash through their defenses. Cowards can’t block warriors!”

 You know what else they can’t block? Flying 5/5 Thopters!

GameDayChampI piloted U/R Thopters all the way to the final round of Magic Origins Game Day at the LGS, and won this awesome play mat!

Thanks for reading. Now seize the day, my fellow Warriors.

About Bud Johnson
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